PO22 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

PO22 6 is a postcode sector in Arun, UK. Below is a complete list of PO22 6 Postcodes (Active). PO22 6 postcode sector comprises of 192 active postcodes. PO22 6 sector has a population of 5860, and it has 2665 properties in the region.

Browse Information On PO22 6 postcode sector

PO22 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5860
Addresses / Property Count 2665
Active Postcodes 192
Nearby Postcode Districts 34
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of PO22 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 192 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
PO22 6AA 50.79474000 -0.63785000 5 17 496100 100348
PO22 6AB 50.79524800 -0.63668500 10 21 496181 100406
PO22 6AD 50.79549600 -0.63713200 5 13 496149 100433
PO22 6AE 50.79629900 -0.63655600 12 33 496188 100523
PO22 6AF 50.79634400 -0.63577400 2 5 496243 100529
PO22 6AG 50.79675700 -0.63570500 3 6 496247 100575
PO22 6AH 50.79832400 -0.63514900 34 88 496283 100750
PO22 6AJ 50.79855400 -0.63414100 6 12 496354 100777
PO22 6AL 50.79840100 -0.63330200 8 20 496413 100761
PO22 6AN 50.79907700 -0.63339500 20 35 496405 100836
PO22 6AP 50.79682500 -0.63384400 9 20 496378 100585
PO22 6AQ 50.79754900 -0.63581000 5 12 496238 100663
PO22 6AR 50.79739400 -0.63331700 19 38 496414 100649
PO22 6AS 50.79824600 -0.63229900 9 19 496484 100745
PO22 6AT 50.79808500 -0.63163600 6 12 496531 100728
PO22 6AU 50.79767700 -0.63207400 10 22 496501 100682
PO22 6AW 50.79755000 -0.63434800 21 63 496341 100665
PO22 6AX 50.79887300 -0.63286200 10 28 496443 100814
PO22 6AY 50.79851800 -0.63170900 30 70 496525 100776
PO22 6AZ 50.79192600 -0.60291500 4 5 498568 100081
PO22 6BA 50.79602500 -0.63540000 4 11 496270 100494
PO22 6BB 50.80049300 -0.63448900 10 27 496325 100992
PO22 6BD 50.79848000 -0.63472500 N/A N/A 496313 100768
PO22 6BE 50.79647900 -0.63500400 N/A N/A 496297 100545
PO22 6BF 50.79229000 -0.60623800 N/A N/A 498333 100117
PO22 6BH 50.79482000 -0.63013500 4 5 496644 100367
PO22 6BJ 50.79394800 -0.63699300 1 3 496162 100261
PO22 6BL 50.79446300 -0.63573600 14 35 496250 100320
PO22 6BN 50.79497200 -0.63533100 26 78 496277 100377
PO22 6BP 50.79419800 -0.63142400 7 12 496554 100296
PO22 6BS 50.79442900 -0.63199900 1 1 496513 100321
PO22 6BT 50.79405700 -0.63480500 16 32 496316 100276
PO22 6BU 50.79516100 -0.63149500 30 80 496547 100403
PO22 6BW 50.79488100 -0.63218400 11 26 496499 100371
PO22 6BX 50.79601400 -0.63216500 12 32 496498 100497
PO22 6DA 50.79448900 -0.62420000 12 22 497062 100338
PO22 6DB 50.79422300 -0.62292400 17 22 497153 100310
PO22 6DE 50.79478200 -0.62151700 N/A N/A 497251 100374
PO22 6DF 50.79482500 -0.62131700 15 28 497265 100379
PO22 6DH 50.79485500 -0.62920500 N/A N/A 496709 100372
PO22 6DJ 50.79471700 -0.62205800 5 10 497213 100366
PO22 6DL 50.79398600 -0.62718700 15 40 496853 100278
PO22 6DN 50.79487900 -0.62743100 23 50 496834 100377
PO22 6DP 50.79338900 -0.62538900 10 23 496981 100214
PO22 6DR 50.79509900 -0.62394800 21 56 497079 100406
PO22 6DS 50.79554900 -0.62095500 7 13 497289 100460
PO22 6DT 50.79560700 -0.61899500 10 25 497427 100469
PO22 6DU 50.79610700 -0.61865400 1 1 497450 100525
PO22 6DW 50.79441400 -0.62689100 12 39 496873 100326
PO22 6DX 50.79697500 -0.61833000 10 21 497471 100622
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